Hello Hello! We are finally in Self-Care Awareness Month, and I can’t wait to tell you all what you need to know about this incredible month. Especially now with an Advanced Clinicals treasure that I found.
Many of you are wondering What is self-care awareness month?
Founded by Evolve to Live and registered at the National Day Calendar to be observed annually during September. It’s a month to remind us that taking care of ourselves is important, not only for this month, but for a lifetime.
Celebrating the self-care awareness month is an opportunity to slow down a second in our life and sincerely ponder about our physical and emotional moments. Maybe a question like: am I taking enough time for myself? It is a good step to start.
Even before the pandemic, this month became part of me. As you have seen on my social media, I take time for myself! I deeply think this is the key to happiness.
So, I want to show you my way to live the Self-care Awareness week 2021 but first … Take a moment, ponder about the real situation that you are living for. Then, if you realize that you can improve anything, just do it! Always in the way you love.
Self-care Awareness Month Activities for you.
I balance my life in two aspects. The first one is mental, and the second one is physical. Yeah, both of them keep me alive and happy. So, what should you do to take care of them? Here, I’m going to tell you my secrets.
Write down why you are grateful today
It sounds simple, and it is! For me, just take 5 – 10 minutes before going to bed. Believe me, when I tell you that those are the best minutes of the day. Why? Because, my mind stays in peace, just connecting with myself, discovering amazing things that I experienced during the day. You must have to start this practice in the self-care awareness month.
Give yourself an escape
Everybody has a favorite place, don’t you? I love to travel, so when I do it, I feel like I am taking an escape from many situations that can be around me. My invitation is the same for you. Find something that you love to do during this self-care awareness month, and then do it frequently. If you don’t have a favorite hobby already, just start trying new stuff.
Celebrate small achievements
You must have heard this one before, but I want to remark on it for you! This is going to make you feel worthy… Remember, every small achievement is going to create a castle of success for you. That’s why you need to celebrate as much as you can. I have done this for several years now, and I don’t have words to describe how it feels while I am in self-care awareness week 2021. It is unbelievable, try it once, and then you just won’t stop doing it.
Workout yourself
This one has brought me two big benefits. I feel healthy and relaxed. Exercising is a perfect way to free your mind of chaos. In this self-care awareness month, I will exercise not only at the Gym but also doing other things like riding my bike or yoga.
Eat healthily
Balance your diet, eat more vegetables and fruits. In time, you will feel more energetic. Never is too late, so start to change it while you celebrate self-care awareness month.
Have a regular spa day
This is a synonym of Self-care. The first step during this day is to turn off the phone and put on relaxing music. For me, I love making spa, adding Advanced Clinicals products. I use them in a spa session. When I finished my spa day, I felt just stunning.
As simple as that, it doesn’t matter the circumstance, just smile, even if you feel sad, smile and raise your gaze is one of my secrets to share with you: I invite you to smile every morning in front of the mirror in this self-care awareness month 2021.
My self-care routine with Advanced Clinicals
This has been my treasure during this whole year, and more than sure I’m going to use them this month!
When I found and test it, I said, “The best Self-care for my whole body is going to be with Advanced Clinicals!”. And let me tell you why.
I think Advanced Clinicals’ purpose is to solve skin problems and just keep it healthy. That’s why their products are made up of a natural and high-quality base.
Their Collagen Lotion contains green tea, aloe vera, chamomile, and pure collagen. Amazing ingredients for my skin. After using this Advanced Clinicals oil, I use the lotion from my neck to my legs.
One of my favorites is the Collagen Hand Cream. It is a rich, non-greasy formula that instantly soothes, softens, and hydrates my dry skin. I love the word “instantly” because it expresses what happens with my skin when I use this product, starting a marvelous process to recover skin.
Maybe you hear this phrase, “Hearts may break, but heels should not!” This expression blew my mind, and I had to taste the Cracked Heel Cream. Have really dry feet, but this cream with the advocate oil and shea butter is the solution for me! Now I feel it has been restored.

At last, the product that caught me out was Niacinamide Serum. The big start of all Advanced Clinicals products. The benefits of this Advanced clinicals Serum are incredible, because it helps build keratin and minimizes pore appearance and skin redness. After I take my shower, I apply it to my whole face and Voilá I get a baby skin!
Complementing this with the Collagen Body Oil, Wow, my body gets super relaxed before going to bed. Isn’t this a great way to celebrate self-care awareness month?
I love the whole line, I can use it from my face to my feet! Yes, as you are reading, getting the full line will allow you to take care of all your body.
I want you to use it too and feel like you deserve it. That’s why you have a 30% of discount in the Advanced Clinicals online store using the code: Daniela30
Can you imagine a better way to celebrate this Self-care Awareness month of 2021? For me, this is the perfect way.
I just add hot tea with Natural Vitality Natural Calm Magnesium to this perfect spa formula to relax the day’s stress.
If you have other ideas for this month, like activities, experiences, suggestions, or just want to say how you feel doing all this please leave your comment here down!
Remember, Self-care matters.