These are the Best Prenatal Vitamins from Beli 

Millions of women worldwide are on a conception journey, including me. I know how overwhelming it may seem when there is so much information online and you don’t know exactly how to use it. We all want to conceive a healthy baby but sometimes getting pregnant is not as easy as we thought. 

This is why I decided to try Beli vitamins. I was on the search for the best prenatal vitamins on the market, there are so many options to choose from but I wanted to get the best quality vitamins for my prenatal care

Let me show you what Beli has to offer and the different range of prenatal vitamins you can get to prepare you and your partner for this journey. 

The Power of Beli Vitamins Ingredients

There are a ton of prenatal vitamin benefits. Not only these are going to be your best prenatal vitamins to get pregnant, but they will be your best friend through all stages of pregnancy and post-baby. They are formulated with special ingredients that boost fertility when trying to conceive. 

Once the baby is on its way, they aid the development of the baby’s brain and spinal cord, blood cell oxygenation, and your and your baby’s bone density. They can help you reduce feared nausea and maintain your much-needed energy through your pregnancy and post-partum. 

Beli vitamins include ingredients such as methyl folate, choline, B vitamins, iron, and magnesium. Choline is the star ingredient in Beli as this is the one responsible for protecting the baby’s full healthy development and optimal breastfeeding. The rest of the ingredients help with baby mama’s energy and morning sickness, so you don’t have to worry about these having any side effects. They are one hundred percent gentle to digest. 

Beli vitamins are gluten, allergen, and dairy free, FYI!

How Often Should I Take Beli Vitamins to Conceive? 

Beli recommends taking Beli vitamins three times a day if you’re actively trying to conceive, while pregnancy, and during your post-partum stage. You can take all three capsules at once, or you can spread the three capsules out throughout the day. They will be able to optimize all the stages of your motherhood journey, and I love having a product that can have my back during a time that, even if it’s beautiful in its own way, can feel extremely stressful for many. I would say this is the first time mom essentials

Prenatal Vitamins for Men: How Important Are They?

Short answer: prenatal vitamins for men are actually very important! If you’re trying to conceive for the first time like me, Beli will be there for both you and your partner, this is teamwork and we should treat it as such. 

When conceiving, men must have the right nutrients and healthy sperm to be able to positively impact our baby’s health. Remember it’s not only about our eggs, they should be looking out for their sperm count too! It is the sperm who should be getting there first anyways. 

Beli prenatal vitamins for men offer a variety of ingredients that not only help fertility and our chances of getting pregnant but also improve and protect sperm quality and cellular health while boosting energy and wellness. 

Beli prenatal vitamins for men include the power of vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, Zinc, L-Carnitine, and L-Arginine, and most importantly the superstar all-natural Shilajit. This is an adaptogen responsible for fertility potential and quality, and energy. 

Prenatal vitamins for men should be taken twice a day for at least six months before conceiving. When taking your vitamins responsibly, your partner’s sperm should be growing strong every day getting to their optimal state. 

Don’t let anyone fool you. As I said, this is teamwork, and everyone should be making an effort in this journey. Just like we have to put in the work and take our prenatal vitamins every day for months on end, men should make the same effort. Six months is not really a long time when you know you are doing this for your future child’s health. 

This is a lifetime commitment, make sure you are all on the same boat, and commit to taking your prenatal vitamins each and every day. 

My Conception Journey with Beli Prenatal Vitamins

As I told you before, I am currently trying to conceive too! And it’s been a long road, from making the decision to conceive to finding the right time to start prenatal supplementation. Once I found Beli vitamins, I was so glad to have found a product that could help me throughout the whole journey because trust me, it can feel lonely at times if you don’t have any other close loved one going through the same. 

Before taking Beli vitamins, I first asked my doctor if it was safe to do so, once I got the green light, my first capsules were arriving home. Remember to always discuss it with your doctor if you are starting a new supplementation regime. I was surprised to see these did not cause any type of unpleasant side effects, they are super gentle. They don’t leave a bad taste either. 

I love how energetic they make me feel through the day, and how they have helped my overall wellness because even if I’m not pregnant yet, I can feel the benefits. My digestion has also improved a lot. 

How Can I Get My Hands on Beli Prenatal Vitamins for Women and Men? 

In order to get your first order of Beli vitamins, you must get a monthly subscription for $50, this includes your first pack of monthly capsules and free shipping. Beli prenatal vitamins for men are another $50, and if you are not happy with your purchase, Beli has a money-back guarantee program if they are not for you. 

You can cancel your subscription at any time and manage your payments through your personal account. 

Final Thoughts on Beli Prenatal Vitamins

If you’re looking for the best prenatal vitamins on the market, Beli has you covered. These are great alternatives for those who want to try less invasive forms of fertility treatments. Apart from improving your chances of getting a baby in your tummy, they will protect you and your baby’s well-being and the health of your partner as well. 

Let me know your experience with Beli vitamins and how are you doing in your fertility journey? We’re all together in this! 

Beli is also third-party tested and has received the Clean Label Project Purity Award. Beli for Women is the first prenatal vitamin to include the recommended amounts of choline, vitamin D, Iodine, Folate, and Magnesium, which are essential when TTC. 

Prenatal Vitamins from Beli

I am Daniela Labory, I was born in Venezuela and I currently live in South Florida. Besides being an influencer, I am also a mechanical engineer. For several years I have dedicated myself to finding ways to feel complete as a woman, and I share those tips with my followers. I constantly make changes to my lifestyle to feel better, and that is what my audience loves.


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