Lancome is Bringing the Best Anti Aging Skin care Products: My Renergie HCF Triple Serum Review 

Hello to all my beautiful ladies out there! Today we will discuss anti-aging products, those skin care products we seem to run away from but need from time to time. I have been a fan of Lancome skin care for a long time, and their newest anti-aging serum is no exception. If you are looking for the best anti-aging skin care, stick around and check out my review on this amazing product. 

Lancome Renergie is a Lancome skin care and makeup line dedicated to anti-aging efficient products with different powerful ingredients that contribute to lifting and smoothing out the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots. They have released different products through this line such as night creams, moisturizers, and a makeup foundation. This time I will talk to you about my experience with the Renergie HCF Triple Serum

The Science Behind the Renergie HCF Triple Serum

The Renergie HCF Triple Serum is powered with a formula of three ingredients that work together to deliver top anti-aging effects. The initials H.C.F refer to Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin C+ Niacinamide, and Ferulic Acid. These work to target volume loss, wrinkles, and dark spots. Hyaluronic Acid holds the skin’s moisture, Vitamin C+ Niacinamide brightens the skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots. Lastly, Ferulic Acid is an antioxidant that battles aging signs and environmental damage. 

Not only is the formula impressive but the smart packaging makes this one of the best skin care products of the year. The Renergie HCF Triple Serum unique bottle is divided into three different chambers. The ingredients are mixed together with each pump delivering them efficaciously and securing potency through each use. The product has been dermatologically tested and is suitable for all skin types. 

How to Include the Renergie HCF Triple Serum in your Skin care Routine

I use the Renergie HCF Triple Serum daily in both my morning and evening skin care routine. I know sometimes we tend to skip our skin care routines when we are crazy busy, but sticking to the plan is super important to see the results you want, don’t forget your skin is one of the most important parts of your body (it’s actually your largest organ!) and you must take gentle care of it. 

Once you pump the product the three different formulas will come out, make sure you blend them properly with your fingertips as doing this will guarantee you get all the fascinating benefits included in the bottle. Apply the serum right after you are done cleaning your face, and follow with some moisturizer and your usual eye cream. 

I have stuck to this routine for two months and have gotten excellent results. One of the most important things to remember is being disciplined when applying your skin care products. 

My Journey to Brighter and Healthier Skin with the Renergie HCF Triple Serum

Lancome has hit all the spots for me with the Renergie HCF Triple Serum. This has got to be one of my favorite new skin care products for its powerful ingredients and versatility. It includes two of my favorite skin care ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid and Niacinamide and I have also gotten to know the wonders of Ferulic Acid. These three have done wonders for my skin. 

The first few days I already noticed brighter and softer skin. I swear I got excited every time I opened this little bottle of magic. My skin felt incredibly good after putting it on, and with time I could see how healthy it was looking. Two months in and some of my dark spots are fading, I am so in love with my skin’s appearance now! 

One of my favorite parts about this product is how gentle it is on the skin despite having many ingredients. Since it is suitable for all skin types, this is the perfect product for those sensitive skin babes who are looking for a gentle anti-aging skin care product. This anti-aging serum did not break me out at all, despite the combination of different ingredients, my skin has reacted incredibly well to the use. 

The Renergie HCF Triple Serum also saves me A LOT of time in my skin care routine. I don’t have to put on two or three different serums to target my needs. Thanks to Lancome Renergie I have everything I need in one bottle. I can now forget about some crazy 10-step skin care routine. How cool is that? 

I believe we have to take care of our skin as early as possible because your future older self will thank you. Feeling beautiful on the outside makes us feel confident and happy on the inside, there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve and correct some of our imperfections. The Renergie HCF Triple Serum is my anti-aging best friend now. 

If you want to check out the Renergie HCF Triple Serum, click here and go give it a try! You will see the amazing benefits for yourself.

I am Daniela Labory, I was born in Venezuela and I currently live in South Florida. Besides being an influencer, I am also a mechanical engineer. For several years I have dedicated myself to finding ways to feel complete as a woman, and I share those tips with my followers. I constantly make changes to my lifestyle to feel better, and that is what my audience loves.


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